How To Get Flipkart loan 2024 | Flipkart Sea Personal Loan Kaise Le

Flipkart Sea Loan Kaise Le 2024 

So friends, do you also want to take a loan from the Flipkart application, then I will tell you in this posthow you can easily take a loan sitting at your home by using the Flipkart application and how to deposit it in the bank. Transfer Flipkart Personal Loan. You can take this loan by completing only three steps and you can take a loan up to Rs. 5 lakh here. Flipkart is tied up with many banks so that you can get the loan easily, so if you are in need of money. You need a loan and if you already do it through Flipkart, then 100% chance increases that you will get the loan. So in this post, I will tell you the latest process and in a new process, we will learn how to apply for the loan. And how to get loan, for this first of all you have to download Flipkart app, I have given its link in the description of the video. If you already have Flipkart application in your phone, then you have to update it, then I will download it. I will open

How To Download Flipkart App

So friends, if you people also want to download the Flipkart application on your mobile phone and along with that you want to apply for your loan, then I will tell you which one you have to download from where, then download the Flipkart application. For this, first of all you people have to go to your Google Play Store and there you people have to find the truth bar icon of Google Play Store and like you people go to Google Play Store and search for Flipkart, then you will see your Flipkart. Now you get the Install or Download button. You people have to click on it. After clicking, the Flipkart application will be downloaded on your mobile phone. After downloading, you people can download it. Open it on your mobile phone and you can easily apply for your loan by creating your account etc.

How To Create Flipkart Account 2024

To create a Flipkart account, you have to download it. If you already have Flipkart application, then you have to update it, then I will download it, after that I will open it. Now when you open it, first of all there will be an option to change the language. You will change your language. After this, you will have to register with your mobile number, then here you will enter your mobile number, after that, if you click on Continue, then 6 digit OTP will come on your number. OTP is taken automatically. When the OTP is taken, you will come to the account area. If I click on the home page area here, we can see all the details of Flipkart and from here we order any product, but to take a loan, we will click on the account area. Now click on the account option. If you do this then look here, you will get the option like this, here we can avail three types of benefits, first of all personal loan which is up to Rs 5 lakh, after that Flipkart's Axis Bank credit card, Flipkart Pay Later, then here we can avail personal loan. We are going to know about it, so in this way your account gets created on your mobile phone.

How To Take Flipkart loan 2024

To take a loan from the Flipkart application, first of all you have to create your account inside it. After creating the account, then what do you have to do? If I click on the home page area, then all the details of Flipkart will be there. We can see the details and from here we order any product, but to take the loan, we will click on the account area, now we will click on the account options, then look here, you will get some options like this.

Here we can avail benefits in three ways, first of all personal loan which is up to Rs 5 lakh, after that Flipkart's Axis Bank credit card, Flipkart Pay Later, so here we are going to know about personal loan, if you want Pay Later. If you want to activate then comment on this also, then I will tell in the next post how to activate its pay letter in which we get a limit of up to one lakh. Okay, so to take a personal loan, you will click on it here. If the personal loan option is not showing on its own, then first let me tell you that it has to be updated. Even after updating, if it is not showing then you will have to wait for a few days. If you order something from this application a couple of times, then this option will be available automatically. gets enabled

Now click on it and see that you can take the loan here. To take the loan, first of all you will enter your PAN card number here, after that here you will enter your date of birth, after that here you will select your gender if male. If not, then female, after that we will accept the term and condition. After that, if you click on Continue, then we will come to step two. Here we will have to give work details, so first of all, in the appointment type, you will tell if you work somewhere. If you are a salaried person, if you are self-employed, if you have your own job, then you can select self-employed.

Download File

But if you select Salary Person here, then here you have to give the name of the company and here you have to give monthly income. Whatever salary you get in a month will be added here, but if you select Self Employed then here But you will have to tell the name of the business, so whatever business you do, whatever work you do, you will have to add it here and here you will have to select 10 overs, how much can I train over annually, then whose loan can I apply for? If I am working somewhere then select celebrate the day after tomorrow, after that enter the company name here, enter monthly income here, even after that click on the loan offer and are asked to wait for 10 seconds, then with difficulty here. If you wait for 5 to 10 seconds, then see here that our loan has been successfully approved. Now click on it, then here you can see the total amount of your loan. Look here, it is said that the amount is between Rs 50000 to Rs 242000. You can take any amount of loan. If I work, you can take a loan of at least Rs 50,000.

Flipkart Loan Interest Rate

So friends, now let's talk about the interest rate charged on Flipkart loan, how you are going to get the interest rate in it, so to know the interest rate, first of all you people should select it on My Menu. You can decide for how many months you want to take this loan amount, if you take the loan for a longer period, then the interest will be charged more and if you take the loan for a shorter period, the interest will be charged less, so let me select ₹ 100000 here. After that, here you will select Amy according to your choice, we are getting the loan by typing 'and continue', okay, so this is us getting a loan from the bank, so we are more secure here, so here we will select our choice. After that Confirm and Continue will come, look at it once carefully. If you take a loan of Rs 1 lakh here, then here the processing fee plus GST 18% of Rs 24007 will already be deducted. Stamp duty will also be done in advance of Rs 20, so here You will see all these things, if everything is correct then continue. You will click on Continue, then see here all the term and condition of the loan will appear. Then you will see all these things here. If you feel that everything is correct then you will accept the term and condition. After this, you will click on Confirm and Continue. If you click on Confirm and Continue, then look here, now we will have to complete the auto setup in this. The bank from which you will complete the auto setup, the interest rate of yours will be there in this bank and will be deducted from your account.


So friends, this is the method, in this way you can apply loan on Flipkart, so friends, now you do not have to do anything, now you have to wait for some time, you will hardly wait for 15 to 30 minutes, then this money will be successfully credited to your bank. It will be done in this way, you people who can apply for your loan in 2024 through your Flipkart application and can easily take your loan in your bank account, so friends, there was so much in this post, if you liked the post then See you sharing this post as much as possible with another post till then good bye

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